Now we are FOUR…

We are you know…Ask the Chameleon’s birthday is 14 March, and it has been the best 4 years ever.

Anyone in business will tell you there are great highs, and challenging lows, but on reflection, they wouldn’t swap it for the world.  And do you know why? Because they know their “why”.

Business friends of mine went on a workshop run by Richard Oram from Business Doctors, about establishing your why, and they have come away totally pumped, clear in their minds eye what they want to do and creating whiteboards of such positive statements for their future visions.  I am totally jealous I missed out.

So today I reflect on ATC’s why.  Providing a great service in something I believe we excel in, whilst having the flexibility to do other things – volunteer for Annabel’s Angels, lecture at the University of Derby, be with friends and my amazing family.

I also reflect on what we have achieved in such a short time (£3.9m in funding secured for our clients, many of whom are charitable), amazing accolades such as #SmallBiz 100, Theo Paphitis #SBS winner and Queen of Funding, being finalists in some amazing local awards (East Midlands Chamber of Commerce Enterprising Women, Burton Mail Rising Star, and East Midlands Enterprising Women)

I also think about what we want to achieve over the next 4 years (and beyond…) – create more winning bid and tender applications, write winning awards and constantly improve.  Maybe even an office (rather than my frequent coffee shop haunts!)

So whilst I wait for Richard to repeat his session, my Year 4 list begins (remember how I love a list)…with “celebrate your birthday” at the very top.  Because we should always take time out to be thankful, give thanks and enjoy….you only have to look at Cooper (my expert time out guru) to know this.

And before I go, I am so very proud of the achievements I mentioned above, but they come as a result of working with many other people, and having wonderful clients, without whom this would not be possible…..thank you…

Now where’s the champagne…..Cheers!

Small Business Saturday
Enterprising Women Awards - winner
Derbyshire live business winner
FSB-WMids-Micro business of the year winner
The British Business Awards - small business awards Winner
Woman who achieves award winner
Burton Mail Business Awards
the hookup
Prompt Payment Code
F Entrepreneur
Federation of Small Businesses
East Midlands Chamber Member
Marketing Derby

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